And Now for Something Completely Different – Aldus Brewing Company Pretzel Wheat

Keeping with the craft brewing theme for at least one more post. Tonight I thought that I would highlight something quite different from the last brew. Adlus Brewing Company’s Pretzel Week is definitely that.

Aldus Brewing Company is a small craft brewery in Hanover, Pennsylvania with a limited selection of ales. The Pretzel Wheat by the company’s own description, “Smells like a pretzel, tastes like a pretzel, drinks like a beer. From the pretzel center of the universe we bring you Aldus Pretzel Wheat Ale. Packed with Pennsylvania Dutch pretzel flavor with slight notes of salt, and ends with a crisp lager-like finish. How do we do it? Well a baker never asks and a brewer never tells.” “Brewed with Wege of Hanover Pretzels”

This ale pours a into the glass with a brief and very limited tan head that is gone almost as soon as you see it. The color is a beautiful copper tone. There is an aroma of fresh baked and salted dough. The taste retains that fresh doughy deliciousness along with the saltiness than sides to the back of the tongue with each swallow. The mouthfeel is notably malty. And the finish is light and slightly sweet. A very unique and quite enjoyable brew. 

The ale does live up to the brewers description. Kudo’s Aldus Brewing Company!

From a numbers perspective the ale has an ABV of 6.3% and an IBU of 5.

I was unable to find a rating for this ale on RateBeer. At BeerAdvocate it is rated a bit higher at 3.98, but only has 3 ratings. On Untappd the brew has 1,666 unique ratings with an average rating of 3.68. I personally rated the Pretzel Wheat at 3.75/5.0.

Alas, unless you live in and around the Southcentral Pennsylvania area I am afraid that this little treat may not be available, and that is a shame.

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